Luz Para Las Naciones invites you to this youth event which is called “Question Cafe”, where we will be participating through a total youth environment. Come and we will be sharing delicious coffee and pastries and will have an open space for Question and Answers, where an expert will be giving those answers to all the concerns a teen or young adult would have. Don’t miss this life changing event!!!
Event Date/Fecha De Evento: 10-19-2013
Time/Hora: 5:30 pm
Location/Lugar: Salon Virey (En Luz Para Las Nacinoes, inc) 915 W. Expressway 83 Mission, TX
For more info Call/Para Mas Infomacion llama: 956-585-1010
Submit Your Question before/Envíe su pregunta antes de:10-16-2013
(Question is Anonymous/Pregunta es Anónima)